The Most Common Questions About Pumped Breastmilk

The Most Common Questions About Pumped Breastmilk
pumped breastmilk

pumped breastmilk

So you have this pumped what?? Breastmilk is amazing, but it is also delicate and we want to preserve it (and our hard work!) so that our babies can get the most out of it. That being said, learning how to handle our precious milk is key! Here are some common questions that moms ask in regards to breastmilk use.

Can I microwave my breastmilk?

No! Absolutely not. Microwaving your milk can deplete some of the nutrients found in breastmilk. Microwaving it also heats the milk unevenly, which can lead to "hot spots" that can burn your baby's mouth. Do not use this heating method for thawing or heating, ever.

How should I heat my breastmilk?

I highly recommend getting a trustworthy bottle warmer so that you do not need to stress. Please note that your breastmilk should never be hot, but barely lukewarm. The goal is body temperature, the way it would be coming straight from the breast. You can achieve the lukewarm temperature by also placing the bottle in warm water, not hot water. Allow it to sit in the warm water for a few minutes before feeding. I also highly recommend thawing the estimated amount of needed milk in the refrigerator prior to use so that you are not waiting forever with a hungry baby.

Can my pumped milk be used for baby's skin rashes?

It absolutely can! Studies have shown that breastmilk's immunological properties can aid in the healing of both diaper rashes and eczema. Many moms will pour some pumped milk into their baby's bath to give them a "milk bath" when they are struggling with a skin rash. For diaper changes, cleanse your baby's bottom, then apply breastmilk to your baby's diaper rash. Allow it to air-dry before fastening the diaper.

How long is pumped milk good for?

Fresh milk is good for 4 hours at room temperature, and up to 4 days in the refrigerator. It can remain in the deep freezer for up to a year! Once thawed, it is only good for 24 hours. See my post for breastmilk storage tips HERE.

Is milk separation normal?

Yes, totally normal. Your milk will naturally separate with the thick "creamy" layer on top, and the water-dense portion on the bottom. Gently swirl and mend the two layers back together before feeding.

Can I reheat breastmilk more than once?

It is not recommended to reheat breastmilk more than once. If baby is done feeding and you have milk leftover, you may save it but it needs to get used within two hours, per the CDC. After two hours, discard the milk.

Happy pumping! xoxoxo

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